"... not merely playing instruments, but learning the language of music through performance... ”
"... not merely playing instruments, but learning the language of music through performance... ”
All students in the class agree to be hard-working, respectful, and trustworthy.
All students in our class agree to these common expectations:
- Put forth best effort at all times.
- Attend school and all classes every day (at least at a 96% attendance rate for the entire year).
- Be on time to, and prepared for, all classes.
- Keep in mind that a good education is an opportunity for all.
- Be courteous, considerate, and thoughtful to all students, teachers, staff, and visitors.
- Exhibit proper conduct in school and at school-sponsored activities.
- Plan for the future by preparing short and long-range goals.
- Support the school and school programs with spirit and pride.
- Be loyal to your school and promote through your language and actions the strong reputation of the school.
- Respect school, public and private property.
- Be honest at all times—to yourself and to others.
- Treat others as you would expect to be treated.
- Participate in extra-curricular activities where your interests and time permit.
- Access Canvas for class assignments, grades, and calendar
- Demonstrate responsible use of technology